Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Russian for Everybody: Let's Talk and Read!

Russian for Everybody: Let's Talk and Read!

Russian for Everybody:  Let's Talk and Read!

Russian for Everybody: Let's Talk and Read! PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This Fifth Edition conversation and reading book, "Russian for Everybody: Let's Talk and Read," is designed to complement the textbook "Russian for Everybody" (version for English-speaking students). It is particularly recommended for those schools which have more than three contact hours per week in the beginning Russian course, or those schools which wish to cover the material of the basic textbook over three or more semesters. The aim of this book is to provide lively and interesting material as a basis for extending the speaking and reading skills beyond the level possible within the confines of the basic textbook. Use of these materials will improve considerably the students' skills in both monologic and dialogic speech situations and in reading. The exercises and reading passages of this book parallel the lessons of the basic textbook in both grammatical structures and vocabulary, but add a certain number of new words and use at times some new grammatical constructions which should cause no problems of comprehension of the level of passive recognition of meaning. This book introduces the student to about 850 new words (included in the Russian-English vocabulary at the end) and set expressions. Among the exercises in the book are included a number of small word puzzles and riddles.

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