Google Analytics by Justin Cutroni
Google Analytics by Justin Cutroni PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Do you know what people do when they visit your website or web app? Or how much the site contributes to your bottom line? Google Analytics keeps track and makes it easy for you to learn precisely what's happening. This hands-on guide shows you how to get the most out of this free and powerful tool -- whether you're new to Google Analytics or have been using it for years.
Google Analytics shows you how to track different market segments and analyze conversion rates, and reveals advanced techniques such as marketing-campaign tracking, a valuable feature that most people overlook. And this practical book not only provides complete code samples for web developers, it also explains the concepts behind the code to marketers, managers, and others on your team.
- Discover exactly how the Google Analytics system works
- Learn how to configure the system to measure data most relevant to your business goals
- Track online marketing activities, including cost-per-click ads, email, and internal campaigns
- Track events -- rather than page views -- on sites with features such as maps, embedded video, and widgets
- Configure Google Analytics to track enterprise data, including multiple domains
- Use advanced techniques such as custom variables and CRM integration
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